The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

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Are viewers in for another dreamy season?

The fifth season of ABC’s
“Grey’s Anatomy” debuted
on Thursday, Sept. 25. For
the show’s enthusiasts, the
promise of a brand-new season
filled with more delicious
gossip, crazy surgeries and
the unbelievably gorgeous
cast is like a dream come true.
Millions of eager viewers
across the nation tuned in to
see how this increasingly
remarkable show would
progress, but one question
was in the back of every
viewer’s mind: will this be
the year that our beloved
“Grey’s Anatomy” fizzles out
of its fast-paced and intense
It’s disappointing, yet honest,
to say that after the second
season, Grey’s has started
to wind things down,
especially with last season’s
epic downers like George
O’Malley (T.R. Knight) having
to repeat his internship,
Miranda Bailey’s (Chandra
Wilson) marital problems, the
never-ending-saga of
Meredith Grey (Ellen
Pompeo) and Derek
Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey),
and a countless number of
others. All of these storylines
seemed to leave viewers wondering
if the show would
ever be resurrected back to
the glory days of the early
So, viewers watched with a
hopeful attitude and a nostalgic
air, as once again the
doors of Seattle Grace
Hospital opened for all of the
drama and wonderfully fascinating
medical procedures
that have kept us tuning in
week after week, but dreading
the fact that there just
may be no more fresh storylines
left to pursue.
In a surprising turn of
events, the show seemed to
pull through with a spectacular
two-hour season opener.
Everything just seemed to fall
right back into the groove
The relationship between
Grey and the ever-so-studly
“Dr. McDreamy” was sweetly
awkward, just as in show’s
past. Things between Lexie
Grey (Chyler Leigh) and
roommate George O’Malley
seem to be heating up.
The newly ignited romance
between two of the women of
Seattle Grace, Callie Tores
(Sara Ramirez) and Erica
Hahn (Brooke Smith) appears
to be progressing quite interestingly
as well.
Also, in a surprise turn of
events, Christina Yang
(Sandra Oh) seems to have
found herself a new love
interest, which would be her
first romantic pursuit since
being left at the altar by excharacter
Burke(Isaiah Washington.)
Needless to say, the premiere
of “Grey’s Anatomy’s”
fifth season was a muchneeded
uplifting success.
Maybe all of those die-hard
fans will finally get what they
have been waiting for – a
return of the show they initially
fell in love with. That
said, will the rest of the season
follow suit? It will be
interesting to see how this
one plays out.