The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

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Bucks’ Library Staff is Always Here to Help

BCCC Website

Bucks’ library and its attentive faculty serve as a place of retreat and success for all different kinds of students. The library’s rich resources, particularly the presence of kind and expert staff, help guide students through their individual academic journeys. 

Charlene Pipito, an IT technician at Bucks for fourteen years, is the epitome of the kind of expert-level support offered at the library. She helps students and staff trouble-shoot their technology issues, and with her background in secondary education, Pipito ultimately looks to aid students with “organization and time management skills,” she says. 

Piptio is a Bucks Alumni, working under the Title III Grant and augmenting computers for the school from 1989-1993. At Bucks, she earned her associate degree in business administration. After this, she acquired an organization management degree from Eastern University in Philadelphia, where she would also publish her thesis on technology and education. 

After having three children, Pipito became interested in the beneficial relationship between technology, education, and organization. Her interest in tech as well as her creative instincts led her to work with new computer programming, ultimately acquiring very sought-after computer skills. Pipito would go on to teach both computer and business courses at Nazareth Academy High School.

“In my free time,” she says, “I dabble in art”: drawing, painting, and photography. She also enjoys writing, which was a catalyst for her learning computer programming. Her published work, often involving elements of design and organization, “was good to have when teaching children.” 

Andrew Gottesman, the collection management librarian at Bucks, makes “sure the materials for our library are current, accurate and useful.” He works with venders and databases to get the best academic sources available for the school’s library system. 

Gottesman has worked at Bucks’ library for eight years now- three at his current position, and five as an acquisition technician. 

Gottesman grew up in libraries. “My mom worked for the Bucks County Library system when I was a kid,” he says. Eventually, he would cement his passion with a bachelor’s degree in library science from Kutztown University and a master’s in library information and science from Drexel. 

“Libraries change over time, tech has obviously changed,” Gottesman admits. “Striking the balance,” though, between different elements- whether it be “print versus online” or the “wide demographic range” of students at Bucks- has always been a defining element of libraries’ functionality. 

“Student interaction is very important to me,” voices Gottesman. “I try to introduce myself and be as active in the school as possible.” 

“There’s a virtual chat function (in addition to in-person meetings, of course) here at the library that has been really helpful” for students that want one-on-one research support. Also, Gottesman alongside the school’s other librarians “are embedded in certain canvas courses” that pertain to their particular areas of expertise. 

For Gottesman, the personalization of research and resources especially at a community college is quite significant, stating that his goal as a librarian is to “give everyone things they can utilize.”

Shannah Halper and Beth McCaul, both library assistants, can often be seen at the library’s logistical and geographic center, the service desk- helping students check books in and out, taking student ID photos and assisting generally with student inquiries. 

Halper’s been working at the Bucks’ Library since October, expressing that “libraries have always been a safe place for me, so the position made sense. Everyone is so friendly,” she says, “The library community is really great.” 

McCaul, who’s worked at the Bucks Library for seven years now, and Halper are eager to let students know of the help and services offered at the library. 

Laptop, calculator and headphone loans are available to students all the time, and Halper encourages students to look into the long-term laptop loans available.

There are private study rooms scattered throughout the library building, including a presentation room and a brainstorming room. 

Both Halper and McCaul emphasize how helpful these rooms have proved to be for students- and they especially encourage those taking the COMM110 Public Speaking class to utilize the presentation room. 

To get the quiet brainstorming room to yourself, “you can reserve your spot at the front desk or online,” says Halper. 

The Newton Campus Library is open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Saturdays, and 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. For resources and more information, visit the Bucks County Community College Library page at