The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

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Journalism Student Revamps Centurion Website
The new

A student at Bucks’ Newtown Campus recently remodeled the Centurion website, bringing it up to date with the modern world and giving it an inspiring new look. 

Christian Grosso is the 22 year old student at Bucks majoring in journalism and staff member of The Centurion, who completed the remodel. The website was originally created by Journalism Professor Tony Rogers, the original website possessed red and yellow coloring, outdated formatting and some minor glitches with headline formatting according to Grosso.

The idea of updating the website came about at the beginning of the fall semester but took indication throughout the spring semester. Although the original idea was to simply update the colors to Bucks blue and white, the staff and students of The Centurion pushed further to make it a better user experience. 

After discussions with the editor, Raeanne Raccagno, and other admin such as Professor Rogers throughout the Centurion Staff Meetings movement took a way to remodel.

Grosso and other members of the Centurion staff had to figure out how to access editing privileges for Grosso. This pushed the project back 3 months until Professor Rogers was able to create an administrative account. 

Grosso’s only promise to Professor Rogers was to not break the website.

Once Grosso gained access to the administrative account he completed the updates within a 10 hour span in one night only about one day after getting the account. 

Throughout the remodel he states he fixed, “school colors, organization of the page, outdated formatting and updated to the legacy format, made it mobile compatible and fit for wide screens.”. 

This was a huge step for The Centurion giving their online media a fresh new look. 

Grosso quotes, “The website looked like it was from 2010, but now is up to modern day 2024 standards.”

The Centurion website gives the students and staff of Bucks and the public a center to get local written and video news by young journalists who are passionate about writing truthful, well-written news.  

Grosso highlights the importance of The Centurion stating, “Journalists are some of the last people who really have the skills to check and ensure media and information is accurate, especially in a world where fake media is everywhere. We are able to report what is going on in the community so people can better understand the world around us.” 

From opinion articles, comics, arts and entertainment, politics, sports and local and global news The Centurion has students writing. Any student can be a part of The Centurion Staff or write for The Centurion especially with interests in writing, editing, layout, digital photography, or web design according to The Centurion website. 

For more information about joining The Centurion, you can attend meetings normally every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. in Rollins 127. For more information contact [email protected] or [email protected]. 

The Centurion is a student paper written by students, for students. Students and staff can now view the new updated page on mobile and wide-screen compatible devices. You can view the modern-made page at –