The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

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A Modern Hypocrisy

Another year at Bucks draws to a close and here’s the last
issue…until fall semester. In other words: end of the year
I started the semester with a column on my being a
Republican. This year’s Democratic primary angered me.
Pennsylvanians were stupid for letting Hillary Clinton take
our state. Really? Her?
Now as a registered member of the GOP, I couldn’t vote for
either candidate, but had I changed my political stance, I’d go
Barack Obama any day. Go McCain in the fall, and I hope he’s
running against Obama. I’m ready for a qualified race between
two substantial candidates.
Then there are my Heely’s. I still think they are fun and I
don’t care what people think of my footwear, or anything pertaining
to me. Besides, without the wheels, they make a nice
pair of sneakers.
During Halloween I carved some pretty rad pumpkins and I
look forward to more purposeless crafts in the future.
My fourth column was about dating past the age of 25. I’ll be
26 in September and hopefully by then I’ll be closer to a relationship
than I am now. I’m not really desperately looking for
a partner in crime however “the scene” is different once many
of your friends have husbands. It’s a kick to the gut at times
because you’re reminded of other’s happiness; regardless of
their utter joy and marital status, it gets so annoying to watch
and who doesn’t like tax breaks?
Christmas was around the corner when I wrote about the
never-ending Yuletide tunes blaring from the stereo systems
in stores.Seriously, what is the connection between buyer
impulse and bad music and why is popular music “inappropriate”
for many stores? I hear plenty of good tunes that avoid
profanity and could easily have hidden Mickey’s etched onto
their tracks, “Buy me. Buy me.”
Then, the day after Thanksgiving, I went vegan. I pledged 30
days to a completely vegan diet. I went 44 days before the
embarrassment of restaurant dining was too much for me. I
went 67 days until I bought my favorite food, yogurt, at the
grocery store. I lasted way longer, it felt long anyway, than my
original timeframe, I lost a few pounds and most of the dietary
stipulations have stayed with me. But, as mentioned in the earlier
article, I cannot resist the smoky heaven that is BBQ season.
My favorite article this semester was the one I wrote on
slacker Bucks students. Not only have I heard the jeers from
my targeted audience loud and clear, and thank you for reading,
but I was told several professors have printed out this
piece for their students to read. Way to go teachers of Bucks,
don’t let anyone get away with blatant disrespect. Welcome to
the real world kids. But, if it makes anyone feel better, this
semester will not continue my rein of perfect A’s. With my
hectic responsibilities that come with being editor-in-chief, my
priorities have been newspaper over class. I can rationalize
that this is my career, as history is not, but it still makes me feel
bad. I wrote I was a multi-tasking pro, and I do a lot in my
time, and as a very competitive person it pains me that I couldn’t
fit in everything. There’s a certain pride in being able to
“do it all.”
I loved talking about the crazies I favor in books and TV. Get
an imagination if you can’t see why certain vampires and oddballs
could be sexy. Don’t deny it. I am talking about a hotness
factor. I do not want to marry a psychopath nor do I go for
“the bad boy.”
Mark Bennett, mine’s better.
Spring is a better time for reflecting on your life.
I have followed through with my go-green aspirations and
have made significant leaps from a dismal environmental perspective.
I have always cared. I was just not very proactive.
And this leaves me to a farewell for now. I’d like to thank the
members of my staff who aren’t returning next semester. I will
really miss seeing you guys everyday. Bennett, you’re the best.
Phil, I’m sure I’ll have you in my car soon. Rowan,
dawg.Yorke…well that’s it, for the, uh, thanks. Neany, for
everything! I continue as The Centurion’s editor-in-chief next
year, so until then, happy summer and do keep reading.