The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

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New Transfer Center makes students transitions easier


The new Advising and Transfer Center’s grand opening, welcomes students in, eager to get them on the right path to completing their major and having a smooth successful transfer process.
The Advertising & Transfer Center opened this past May and a ribbon cutting ceremony took place on Sept. 16, where Dr. Shanblatt cut the ribbon, officially opening the center for student access.
This center is set up on the first floor of Rollins with walls consisting entirely of glass. The glass walls are meant to create an inviting atmosphere for students to come in and comfortably speak with an advisor.
Ronnie November, the director of the new center says, “the biggest tip for students who plan on transferring out of Bucks would be to start the process as early as possible.” Students who are looking to transfer are encouraged to make an appointment with an educational planning advisor as soon as possible to get the ball rolling on a structured plan for life after Bucks.
New students are offered orientation sessions to better prepare them for their time at Bucks, along with registration and advising support through the center’s helpful staff. The center also holds transfer planning workshops to help ease students into the process. In addition, the center offers ongoing transfer planning and advising appointments, with the option of one on one or groups sessions.
November states, “we want everything to be about continuum.” The planning advisors are fully equipped to help students reach their goals. But above that, they are willing to do whatever it takes to connect students with the resources and people that will help them achieve their goals. The staff in the Advising and Transfer Center want students to know that they should feel welcome, and know that they will receive the best help possible when they come into the new center.
By combining the advising and transferring, students will save time and money by taking the most relevant courses for their major or certification from the beginning, thanks to the staff’s guidance. The staff also works their hardest to provide students with the shortest and most efficient path toward completion.
Transfer fairs are also available to students at all three campuses, and are usually set up for students about 11 times each year. Students can find more information about the fairs and dates through signs set up around campus, portal notices, and at [email protected].
The Advising & Transfer Center should be your first step towards the successful completion of your degree. Whether you have it all figured out, or you are completely in the dark, make sure you stop by the new and improved Advising and Transfer center, sooner than later. The help of the staff, will grant you guaranteed success. Come check out the new center today or call 215-968-8031 and get started!