If you’ve been arriving to campus earlier than usual this fall just to find a parking space, you’re not alone. But a college official says the problem isn’t a lack of parking but a lack of convenience.
Director of Security Chris Lloyd said 6,040 day and part-time students are enrolled at Bucks this fall, compared to 5,750 last fall. Even so, Lloyd said there is still enough parking for all students- even at 10:00 am on Mondays, the peak time on campus.
Lloyd acknowledged that parking may not be convenient. “We have enough parking. [Availability of] parking spaces isn’t the problem. Just understand that you might have walk a little further to your class.”
Erica Stewart, an elementary education major, doesn’t agree that parking is adequate.
“It’s almost impossible to find a decent parking space,” Stewart said. “Even arriving early does not solve the problem, because the only spots available are the ones [far away].”
To help students avoid spending unnecessary time looking for spots, the Office of Safety and Security is closing lots as they fill until 10:00 am. However, there is no penalty if you choose to search in a closed lot, Lloyd said.
Lloyd, who recently joined Bucks from Villanova University, did express concern about parking for additional cars during special events, since the visitor lot is almost always full.
In the meantime, Phil Silvestri, a small business management major, offered a suggestion to college officials.
“Maybe they should consider having shuttles in the farther lots so that students don’t have to walk so far,” Silvestri said.