The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

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Obama in Philly

Democratic Sen.
Barack Obama spoke in
Philadelphia on
Tuesday, March 18,
focusing on the still- lingering
issue of race in
our country.
Obama gave his
speech after Rev.
Jeremiah Wright, pastor
of the United Church of
Christ, Barack Obama’s
place of worship, was
reported to have used a
number of racial statements
in recent sermons.
In his speech Obama
brought to light the issue
of resentment and anger
African-Americans still
harbor as a result of slavery.
He added that the
constitution and
American history was
“stained” because of
what took place more
than 200 years ago and
noted that it has had a
profound effect on the
black culture’s outlook
on life in America.
Obama said the reverends
“comments were
wrong” but also took
time to list some good
things Wright has
accomplished. He spoke
of his meeting with the
pastor more than 20
years ago and his part in
introducing him to his
Christian faith. He said
he could “no more disown
him than I can disown
the black community,”
adding, “These people
are a part of me. And
they are part of America,
this country that I love.”
“Some will see this as
an attempt to justify or
excuse comments that
are simply inexcusable. I
can assure you it is not,”
he added.
Obama pointed out
that racism must be
dealt with now, in this
election, and that it is a
very relevant and real
problem that we need to
face in this country.
Obama mentioned that
at one point he has been
called “too black or not
black enough.” He noted
his own upbringing, in
which he attended some
of the country’s best
schools, and the fact that
he was raised by his
white grandparents.
Obama said “race is an
issue that I believe this
nation cannot afford to
ignore right now,” but
added that the country
must also get past race
in order to deal with
war, terrorism, the economy
and healthcare.