The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

The student newspaper of Bucks County Community College

The Centurion

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The do’s and dont’s to avoid theft on campus

From pick-pocketing to armed robbery, theft is a serious and prevalent crime all around the world. Ask Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte, it happens in Brazil, too. Or maybe not, but that’s beside the point. Have you ever had something stolen from you? It’s not a fun experience, regardless of where it happens.
To the surprise of some, it even happens here at Bucks. For the victim, it is crippling; for the robber, it is beneficial. That is if the they get away with it.
Dennis McCauley, executive director of security and safety here at Bucks explained the repercussions of the act of theft on campus. “Criminal prosecution as well as college discipline up to and including expulsion,” McCauley explained, is what could be in store for any sticky-fingered bandits out there looking to swipe valuables.
McCauley is a former police officer of 27 years, and has served seven years as the director of security at the Newtown Campus, so he’s got experience dealing with offenses such as theft.
Thefts on campus can happen anywhere and to anyone. Sometimes the stolen items are phones, other times they are laptops or books. However, no matter what is stolen, the impact of the theft is sometimes paralyzing for that student. It is a piece of your property that is taken against your will, and it’s a violation of your privacy.
Some students keep important notes or reminders on their phones; important school documents on their laptops, and in one fell swoop, hours if not days of work can be taken away in an instant. Irreplaceable and expensive items can be gone in the blink of an eye. Security usually finds out about the thefts when the victim informs security about the theft.
To prevent this from happening to you, you can just be sure to keep a close watch on your belongings. Park your car in the Bucks student lots and make sure to lock your car. Luckily, we have security guards that patrol the student lots throughout the day which decrease a thief’s likeliness to break into a vehicle.
If you think that losing your device means that all hope for recovery is lost, don’t give up.
As McCauley suggested, “Students should also enable tracking apps such as Find My iPhone. This helps us find a missing or stolen mobile device quickly.”
Knowing what you can do to prevent theft is the first step in not letting it happen to you. If you are a victim to theft here in campus, report it to security. Or you take the risk of letting the theif run free and continue ti rob others of their personal items. It’s as simple as typing 215 968 8911 to your cellphone and letting Bucks secuirty know the problem.